"Graphic Book Design: Miniatures, Endings"
In Ksenia Fedorova's manual "Graphic Book Design: Miniatures, Endings" (2015) scientific information on the history of the art of book graphics both in the national tradition and abroad is collected.
The author developed recommendations and worked out two blocks of classroom with children: one for primary schools, another for art schools.
Mikhail Kozhevnikov, professor of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University:
- Such sort of explorations as Ksenia Fedorova's manual "Graphic Book Design: Miniatures, Endings" is not often found in Russian science, which determines the relevance and novelty of the research topic. I was impressed by Ksenia's own graphics: miniatures and endings are drawn, to my mind, with great artistic expressiveness. The value of the materials of the manual is in the applied nature and practical orientation.
The edition will be useful for art teachers, students of art-graphic faculties and those who are interested in art of book graphics.
UDC 373.167.1: 741 BBK Ch426.64a73 F33 ISBN 978-5-89506-131-2
Fedorova, K. Graphic Book Design: Miniatures, Endings/ K. Fedorova. - Kurgan city printing house, 2015. - 104 p.