Musicians joke... and not only... Ksenia Fedorova rules the parade

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Musicians joke... and not only... Ksenia Fedorova rules the parade 29.03.2015

Musicians joke... and not only... Ksenia Fedorova rules the parade.

Popular classic sounded, generously seasoned with good soft humor.

The audience enjoyed immortal works of classical composers I.S. Bach, V.A. Mozart, L.V. Beethoven, J. Rossini, V. Bellini, F. Chopin, as well as surprisingly subtle music of our contemporaries, S. Tsintsadze, A. Tsygankova, I. Yusupova, which created a mood of spring happiness, joy and fun.

"Musicians joke... and not only...": not only musicians, and not just joke! It's high time to introduce the reader to the brilliant artists. These are winners of international competitions: soloist of the Novaya Opera and guest soloist of the Mariinsky theatre Oleg Bezinskikh (countertenor), Alexey Balashov (oboe), Yekaterina Pripuskova (mandolin and domra) and Fyodor Stroganov (piano). Ksenia Fedorova, writer, journalist and artist, conducted the concert program.