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Vladimir Baskin, composer, member of the Union of Composers of Russia, musical director of the St. Petersburg variety theatre named after A. Raikin 07.10.2018
- Ksenia, I saw your carticature on me. Very cool!!! I really enjoyed it!

Maxim Sukhodrev, teacher from Nizhny Novgorod 07.10.2018
Ksenia, I am a teacher in high school. Looking through the materials for my classes on the Internet, I accidentally came across the newspaper "After Classes"and read your fairy tale "Caliph and Jassar " in it. Powerfully written! I understood at once that you have seen a lot in your position of parliament speechwriter and described everything so competently. It's a real literary bomb! Best mark to you from the old school teacher!

Tatiana, specialist of the regional government 07.10.2018
I read your fairy tale "Caliph and Jassar." So everything is accurately noticed. Loved it! Especially about the types of fruit trees, I remembered how we together used to go to the dining room in the government... Why not to put a guard on a post at the entrance not to pass people at all? Rotten system, now I do not wonder why such a decline in the country!

Alina Alyoshechkina, editor of the all-Russia newspaper "After Classes" 07.10.2018
- Ksenia! Your fairy tale "Caliph and Jassar" is the most beautiful, amazing miracle. Thank you very much for this creation. You are extremely talented, let the inspiration does not leave you! I read it with great pleasure, under a strong impression, as in childhood. It is such a deep and beautiful meanings and symbols (and the main point, of course). What a beautiful and wise work!

Olga Pavlovna, Tyumen 07.10.2018
Ksenia, thank you very much for such a touching work! We watched your fairy tale "Christmas Adventures of Bunny Kolya" at one breath, the child all the day tells about Bunny Kolya. Many thanks to all the artists for the unforgettable feeling of Christmas miracle!

Julia Kavalerova, music critic and compere of the Tyumen Philharmonic 07.10.2018
- Christmas days are special! The time when everyone believes in miracles, a time of warmth and good deeds. Ksenia Fedorova's tale "Christmas Adventures of Bunny Kolya" will certainly find a response in the hearts of listeners and spectators of all ages. There are quiet sadness, grief of disappointment, of course, the joy of new discoveries and a real Christmas miracle in it! It is so close to the old fairy tales, where the good are certainly rewarded and at the end of the thorny path sparkles with a spark of happiness.

Veronika Borisova, deputy director at the kindergarten No. 32, St. Petersburg 07.10.2018
Ksenia Fedorova is a modern writer. The topic of security is as relevant today as ever.
The meeting of the writer with children in our kindergarten was held at one breath and very emotionally. The pupils were delighted. We played, solved riddles, read the books and listened to the audiobook "ABC of Safety".
It was very interesting and fun.
Ksenia's books are bright and colorful. It's nice to read, look at the illustrations.
Thank you, Ksenia, for your great contribution to the education of children and drawing their attention to safety through reading.

Olga Brusyanina, head of the library named after L. Kulikov 07.10.2018
Ksenia Fedorova's book "ABC of Safety" introduces children to safety rules in a fascinating way. The situations considered in the book are realistic and relevant. I am impressed by the focus of this publication on the children's audience. Preschool age of children is the most favorable for the formation of skills and habits. The poetic form of presentation of the material is more accessible to children's perception, easy to remember. Early acquaintance of children with this kind of information will serve to broaden their horizons, will develop cognitive activity, while playing an educational role.

Mikhail Kozhevnikov, professor of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University 07.10.2018
Such sort of explorations as Ksenia Fedorova's manual "Graphic Book Design: Miniatures, Endings" is not often found in Russian science, which determines the relevance and novelty of the research topic. I was impressed by Ksenia's own graphics: miniatures and endings are drawn, to my mind, with great artistic expressiveness. The value of the materials of the manual is in the applied nature and practical orientation.

Artyom Volgin 07.10.2018
Ksenia, great! Good job! I enjoyed your literary works.
Is it possible to put the books in electronic form to read them from any place of the world?


